Associative recognition results of Experiment 1. Panel A. Proportion of ‘Old-Old (original)’ hit responses to intact word pairs and ‘Old-Old (original)’ false alarm responses to rearranged word pairs as a function of associative interference (Fan 1-1, [Fan 1-5, Fan 5-1], Fan 5-5). Panel B. Mean d′ statistic as a function of associative interference (fan). The error bars are standard errors of the mean.
Panel A. Proportion of ‘Old-Old (original)’ hit responses to intact word pairs and ‘Old-Old (original)’ false alarm responses to rearranged word pairs as a function of associative interference (Fan 1-1, [Fan 1-5, Fan 5-1], Fan 5-5). Panel B. Mean d′ statistic as a function of associative interference. The error bars are standard errors of the mean.