Fig. 5.
Effect of TBMS1 on the polymerization of MTP in vitro by turbidity measurement. Reaction mixtures containing MES buffer and 1.12 mg/ml MTP were held at 0°C; at time zero, test compounds were added and mixed into the reaction mixture, and then the temperature was shifted to 37°C. The turbidity of the solution was measured at an absorbance of 350 nm every 3 min. At the time indicated by the arrow, the temperature of the reaction mixture was shifted at 0°C. a MTP was incubated in the absence (−) or presence of 2.5 μM paclitaxel (filled triangle), 2.5 μM colchicine (open triangle) and 10 μM TBMS1 (×); b MTP was incubated in the absence (−) or presence of TBMS1 at concentrations of 5 μM (filled circle), 7.5 μM (open square), 10 μM (×), 20 μM (filled diamond) and 40 μM (+)