Mucosal administration of 1V136 is more potent than systemic administration. C57BL/6 mice were treated intranasally, intragastrically, or intraperitoneally with 1V136 (500 or 150 nmol). Group sizes included 500 nmol ig, n = 8; 150 nmol ig, n = 11; 500 nmol in, n = 6; 150 nmol in, n = 12; 500 nmol ip, n = 12; 150 nmol ip, n = 12; and control, n = 12. Food intake (A) and body weight (B) were monitored for 24 h. Data shown are given as means ± SE. *P < 0.01 using Dunnet's post hoc test of multiple comparisons to the vehicle control group.