Sty1 is activated during the 3AT-induced starvation response.
A, haploid S. pombe strains KAY641 (row 1), KAY647
(row 2), KAY640 (row 3), KAY645 (row 4), KAY456
(row 5), KAY508 (row 6), KAY464 (row 7), KAY484
(row 8), KAY584 (row 9), KAY569 (row 10), and
KAY606 (row 11) carrying the indicated mutations were spotted onto
EMM-C medium with (+) or without (-) 10 mm 3AT as described in
legend to Fig. 1A.
B, KAY655 (sty1-His6HA int6+)
and KAY658 (sty1–6hisHA int6Δ) were treated with 30
mm 3AT or 1 mm H2O2 for the
indicated times and used to prepare WCE. Western blots of the WCE were probed
using anti-phospho-p38 antibodies. The blot was then stripped and probed with
anti-HA antibodies to detect total levels of Sty1 protein. The graphs at the
bottom indicate the time course of Sty1 activation in wild-type
(int6+) and int6Δ cells. The relative
reactivities against anti-phospho p38 antibodies compared with the value at
time 0 were measured by NIH Image and plotted against time. Bars
indicate standard deviations (n = 6 for int6+;
n = 3 for int6Δ).