Int6/eIF3e promotes de novo protein synthesis. A,
cultures of haploid S. pombe strains WY764 (WT, row 1) and
KAY252 (int6Δ, row 2) were spotted onto EMM + adenine medium
with (+) or without (-) 4 mm 3AT, as described in the legend to
Fig. 1A, and incubated
at 30 °C for 6 and 5 days, respectively. B, Atf1 abundance was
monitored using strains in A, with affinity-purified anti-Atf1
antibodies (21), exactly as
described in the legend to Fig. 5,
A and B, but using EMM + adenine medium. The
graph indicates relative abundances for Atf1 after correction by tubulin
abundance with S.D. in lines (n = 3). C, WY764 (WT,
lanes 1–4) and KAY252 (int6Δ, lanes
5–8) were cultured in the presence of 3AT for up to 3 h, as
indicated. Prior to harvesting, cultures were pulse-labeled with
[35S]methionine, and the total proteins in the harvested cells were
analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Radiolabeled proteins were visualized by phosphorimaging
(bottom panel). To ensure normalization of total proteins analyzed in
the SDS-PAGE, the top panel shows Coomassie staining of this gel.
Lane M, size standards. D, quantitation of radiolabeled
proteins in response to 3AT treatment from panel C is presented with
the value in lane 1 (no 3AT treatment) indicated as 100%. Averages
from three independent experiments are shown with S.D. in lines. Column
numbers corresponds to lane numbers in C.