Coronal short-time-scale (a) and long-time-scale (b) ADC maps from a subject with sub-clinical COPD. The diffusion times were 2 ms and 1.5 s for the short-time-scale and long-time-scale measurements, respectively. The long-time-scale ADC map exhibits markedly elevated ADC values in the lung apices; the values in the mid-section and base of the lung are also elevated compared to those for a healthy subject (e.g., Fig 5, right-most ADC map). In contrast, the short-time-scale ADC values in the lung apices are only mildly elevated compared to those in the rest of the lung. Parameters for the short-time-scale, gradient-echo acquisition included: TR, 6.3 ms; TE, 4.5 ms; flip angle, 10°; in-plane resolution, 5.0 × 10.0 mm2; slice thickness, projection; b values, 0 and 1.6 s/cm2; diffusion-sensitization direction, anterior-posterior. Parameters for the long-time-scale, stimulated-echo acquisition included: TR, 6.4 ms; TE for stimulated echoes, 7.0 ms; TE for calibration data, 1.3 ms; flip angle, 5°; in-plane resolution, 6.3 × 7.3 mm2; slice thickness, projection; tag wavelength, 10 mm; diffusion-sensitization direction, anterior-posterior. Adapted from Fig 9 in reference (10).