Table 4.
Hematological and iron status indexes of older men who consumed beef vs vegetarian diets during a 12-week period of resistive traininga
Baseline | Week RT5b | Week RT12c | |
Serum irond (μmol/L) | |||
Beef | 17±6 | 17±6 | 15±6 |
Vegetarian | 16±3 | 15±3 | 15±6 |
TIBCe (μmol/L) | |||
Beef | 51±6 | 53±6 | 53±9 |
Vegetarian | 53±6 | 56±3 | 54±6 |
Transferrin saturation (%) | |||
Beef | 33±9 | 31±9 | 29±9 |
Vegetarian | 31±10 | 28±6 | 29±13 |
Serum transferrin receptor (μg/mL) | |||
Beef | 4.9±2.5 | 4.6±2.5 | 4.3±1.9 |
Vegetarian | 4.6±1.7 | 4.9±2.0 | 4.9±2.0 |
| |||
Ferritinw,x (μg/L) | |||
Beef | 132±107 | 142±142 | 131±132 |
Vegetarian | 95±70 | 76±53 | 72±53 |
WBCf (109/L) | |||
Beef | 4.9±1.2 | 4.9±1.3 | 5.4±1.9 |
Vegetarian | 5.7±1.0 | 5.6±1.0 | 5.5±1.0 |
RBCg (1012/L) | |||
Beef | 4.5±0.3 | 4.8±0.3 | 4.8±0.3 |
Vegetarian | 4.7±0.3 | 4.7±0.3 | 4.6±0.3 |
Hgbh,y (g/L) | |||
Beef | 140±6 | 150±12 | 151±9 |
Vegetarian | 143±7
(−0.82, 0.19)z |
(0.14, 1.3) |
(0.61, 1.01) |
| |||
Hcti,y (l) | |||
Beef | 0.42±0.03 | 0.45±0.03 | 0.45±0.03 |
Vegetarian | 0.42±0.03
(−2.22, 0.90)z |
(0.22, 3.33) |
(0.42, 3.54) |
MCVj (fL) | |||
Beef | 93±3 | 94±3 | 94±3 |
Vegetarian | 91±3 | 92±3 | 91±3 |
MCHk (pg) | |||
Beef | 31.4±1.3 | 31.6±1.6 | 31.2±1.6 |
Vegetarian | 30.8±1.3 | 30.7±1.3 | 31.3±2.3 |
MCHCl (g/L) | |||
Beef | 338±6 | 336±6 | 333±6 |
Vegetarian | 339±10 | 334±3 | 335±7 |
Beef, n=10; lacto-ovo vegetarian, n=11. Values reported as mean±SD.
Week RT5=week 5 of resistive training.
Week RT12=week 12 of resistive training.
To convert μmol/L serum iron to μg/dL, multiply μmol/l by 5.5834. To convert μg/dL serum iron to μmol/L, multiply by μg/dL by 0.1791. Serum iron of 14 μmol/L=80 μg/dL.
TIBC=total iron binding capacity. To convert μmol/L TIBC to μg/dL, multiply μmol/l by 5.5834. To convert μg/dL TIBC to μmol/L, multiply by μg/dL by 0.1791. TIBC of 45 μmol/L=250 μg/dL.
WBC=white blood cell count.
RBC=red blood cell count.
Hgb=hemoglobin concentration. To convert g/L Hgb to g/dL, multiply by 0.1. To convert g/dL Hgb to g/L, multiply by 10. Hgb of 140 g/L=14 g/dL.
Hct=hematocrit. To convert “1” Hct to %, multiply by 100. To convert % Hct to “1”, multiply by 0.01. Hct of 0.39 “1”=39%.
MCV=mean corpuscular volume.
MCH=mean corpuscular hemoglobin.
MCHC=mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. To convert g/L MCHC to g/dL, multiply by 0.1. To convert g/dL MCHC to g/L, multiply by 10. MCHC of 330 g/L=33 g/dL.
Statistical analyses of log10 transformed data. Ferritin values presented are untransformed. Minimum, median, and maximum values for ferritin at baseline, week RT5 and week RT12 were: beef: (baseline) 39, 97, 357; (RT5) 33, 76, 443; (RT12) 36, 77, 460; vegetarian: (baseline) 11, 77, 225; (RT5) 12, 83, 161; (RT12) 13, 61, 165 μg/L.
Significant time effect (P<.01).
Significant group×time interaction (P<.01).
95% CI for difference between means.