Figure 6.
Effect of CsA treatment on mRNA expression of hypertrophic markers. Northern blots of 5 μg total RNA extracted from the ventricular apex from CsA- and vehicle-treated α*q52 and wild-type mice. For comparison, RNA extracted from 2-week-old α*q52 and wild-type mice is shown (only in A). The blots were probed with cDNA probes for ANF and GAPDH and oligonucleotide probes for α-MHC and β-MHC. Exposure times were 3 hr (ANF and GAPDH) and 17 hr (α-MHC and β-MHC). Very little ANF mRNA was detectable in 2-week-old α*q52 when the film was overexposed for 13 hr (A).