Figure 3. Nup133 expression in the developing embryo.
Staining for β-Gal activity in GT/+ embryos at (A) the egg cylinder stage, (B–C) the headfold (0-somite) stage, and (D–F) the forelimb bud stage. D and D' show, respectively, dorsal and ventral views of the same embryo. Dashed lines in B, D and D' indicate the level of the section shown in C, E and F, respectively. e, epiblast; ee, extraembryonic ectoderm; eem, extraembryonic mesoderm; flb, forelimb bud; fp, floor plate; h, heart; hg, hindgut endoderm; lpm, lateral plate mesoderm; m, mesoderm; n, node; nc, notochord; ne, neuroectoderm; nt; neural tube; rp, roof plate; s, somite; se, surface ectoderm; tb, tail bud; ve, visceral endoderm.