RT-PCR analysis of parental allelic expression of Igf2 upstream transcripts. Three M. domesticus/M. spretus polymorphisms were used to detect imprinted expression: M. spretus specific BsaAI (primers UP7 and LP8) in exon 6 was used for P0 transcript. (This transcript is detectable in fetus using RT-PCR.) M. spretus-specific BamHI (primers UP10 and LP9) and XbaI (primers UP9 and LP6) in the upstream region (see Results for approximate positions of polymorphic sites) were used for AS transcripts. d, s, d × s, s × d: cDNA samples from midgestation M. domesticus, M. spretus, (M. domesticus × SD7)F1, and (SD7 × M. domesticus)F1, respectively. cDNA samples 1 and 2: (+/+; +/SD7) and (ΔH19/+; +/SD7) littermates; 3 and 4: (+/SD7; +/+) and (+/SD7; ΔH19/+) littermates. F, fetus; P, placenta. Primer pairs UP7, LP8, and UP10, LP9 preferentially amplified M. domesticus alleles from (M. domesticus × M.spretus)F1 genomic DNA (data not shown), which probably accounts for stronger M. domesticus bands in F1 samples with biallelic expression. Results indicate paternal allelic expression of all transcripts and biallelic expression following maternal, but not paternal, inheritance of the ΔH19 null allele.