The sums of the transition-matrix entries for local-peak intervals, for different species and induction modes, that conform to familiar, “textbook” brood structures. Correspondence to such brood structures might increase or decrease over a sequence of infections or over the course of a single infection, so the sums for local peaks are given (1) overall, (2) for only those charts in the first half of the corresponding sequence of patient identification numbers, in the “First ID#s” column, and (3) for only the first half of the preintervention days in each infection, in the “first days” column. Transition matrices were calculated from preintervention charts of malaria-naive patients in the USPHS South Carolina facility in which daily records encompassed 92% or more of the duration of each infection and >35 (P. malariae), 21 (P. ovale Donaldson strain; P. falciparum McLendon strain) or 14 (P. vivax) days of patency preceded intervention. Abbreviations: trophozoite, Tropho; Sporozoite, Sporo.