Figure 3.
Offshore wind (direction, speed), onshore water temperature, and Chl-a levels at BB and SH in summer 1994. Wind data (A, B; readings taken at 11 a.m. or 2 p.m.) are from NOAA buoy NDBC 50, about 10 kilometers offshore from Newport, Oregon (44° 38′ N, 124° 02′ W). (C) Daily (higher high tide) water temperatures. Temperatures during the 18-day period from July 5 to July 23 were lower at BB (mean, 8.31°C vs. 9.12°C at SH; t = −4.0, 34 df, P = 0.0003). Temperatures during the 29-day period following this upwelling did not differ between sites (BB, 12.8°C; SH, 12.1°C; t = 1.59, 56 df, P = 0.12; assumptions of normal means and equal variances were met in both tests). (D) Chl-a (see ref. 30).