Figure 5.
1D 1H NMR spectrum of low-spin (a) [(TPC)Fe(Py)2]Cl and (b) [(TPC)Fe(Py-d5)2]Cl in CD2Cl2 at 0 °C. “BL-m”. “BL-p” and “BL-o” denote meta, para and ortho protons of the bound axial ligands, respectively; “m”, “p” and “o” denote meta, para and ortho protons of the meso phenyl groups, respectively. Asterisks denote resonances arising from the minor amount of [(TPP)Fe(Py)2]Cl and [(TPP)Fe(Py-d5)2]Cl present in the samples due to re-oxidation of TPC to TPP upon iron insertion. X represents residual H2O.