Head-on-body rotational head acceleration impulses (“head thrusts”) with subject sitting erect |
Left |
Horizontal |
18.8° ND about YEarth then 2.2° LED about XEarth
Leftward |
Subject sitting upright and visually fixating a target directly anterior of nose (along +XREID). |
Anterior |
16.7° ND about YEarth
In Earth-horizontal plane, 38.0° posterior to +YEarth 38.0° anterior to −YEarth
For horizontal SCC, it is convenient to deliver head impulses about the ZEarth axis, just as for rotary chair test. |
Posterior |
21.3° ND about YEarth
In Earth-horizontal plane, 48.2° anterior to +YEarth 48.2° posterior to −YEarth
For anterior and posterior SCC, limited neck range of motion prevents delivery of head thrust rotation stimuli when SCC axis is aligned with ZEarth and body is sitting upright. Instead, reorient head pitch-nose-down to bring anterior or posterior SCC axis of interest into Earth-horizontal plane, then deliver rotational stimuli about that SCC axis. |
Right |
Horizontal |
18.8° ND about YEarth then 2.2° RED about XEarth
Rightward |
Anterior |
16.7° ND about YEarth
In Earth-horizontal plane, 38.0° posterior to +YEarth 38.0° anterior to −YEarth
Posterior |
21.3° ND about YEarth
In Earth-horizontal plane, 48.2° posterior to +YEarth 48.2° anterior to −YEarth
Rotation directions are from subject's point of view, so counterclockwise (CCW) and leftward (L) rotations move the forehead toward the left ear. ND = nose down. NU = nose up. LED = left-ear-down. RED = right-ear-down. REASO defined in Table 4A. Axes illustrated in Figures 3 and 4. |
Canal Pair |
18.8° ND about YEarth
See side-specific directions above |
19.2° ND about YEarth
In Earth-horizontal plane, 43.0° posterior to +YEarth 43.0° anterior to −YEarth
19.2° ND about YEarth
In Earth-horizontal plane, 43.0° anterior to +YEarth 43.0° posterior to −YEarth