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. 2006 Oct 31;7(4):383–398. doi: 10.1007/s10162-006-0056-5

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7

Interpolated multisite poststimulus time histograms (M-PSTH) for stimulus levels 2 dB (A) and 5 dB (B) above electrical threshold. For each stimulus level, 7 M-PSTHs are presented. Each M-PSTH represents one AMI site located along the array and is labeled on top with the site number and BF as well as the stimulation threshold (in μA) for that site. Site number corresponds to location along the AMI array where site 1 (lowest BF site) is furthest from the tip. For a given M-PSTH, ordinate corresponds to the recording site number (and BF) in A1 where site 1 is located in the lowest BF region. The abscissa corresponds to the time from stimulus onset that spike activity occurs on each A1 site. Colorscale corresponds to total spikes across 40 trials where <2 means any values ≤2 were set to white and >15 means any values ≥15 were set to black to allow for better visualization of the responses.