Fig. 3.
A: The coefficient of osmotic water permeability (Pf) of mAQP6a, mAQP6b, and rAQP6. Mercury treatment activated water permeability in mAQP6a and rAQP6 but not in mAQP6b. B: Electrophysiological analyses of mAQP6a and mAQP6b. One-volt curves between +50 mV and −130 mV were plotted for data obtained from mAQP6a (upper panel) and mAQP6b (lower panel) oocytes. Electrophysiological experiments were performed with a two-electrode voltage clamp system. The membrane potential was held at −50 mV and rapidly stepped up to test potentials from +50 mV to −130 mV at 20-mV intervals. Currents at each voltage were measured with pClamp software.