Effect of reported inhibitors on Aβ40 generation by purified
γ-secretase. γ-Secretase, prepared in the standard assay
conditions (0.1% PC, 0.025% PE, 0.25% CHAPSO-HEPES), in the optimal
phospholipid condition (PC(90)/PE(10)/0.0063% cholesterol + Bio-Bead detergent
removal), or in the optimal sphingolipid condition (PC(90)/GS(10)/0.013%
cholesterol + Bio-Bead detergent removal) was incubated at 37 °C for 4 h
in the presence of 1 μm C100FLAG substrate and increasing
concentrations of either III-31C (A) or 1366 (B). Aβ40
was measured by ELISA.