Isoproterenol-dependent activation of PDE4 in MEFs. A,
quiescent wild type and PDE4DKO MEFs were treated with 10 μm ISO
for the times indicated on the abscissa. Cells were then lysed, and PDE
activity in the resulting detergent extracts was determined in the presence or
absence of rolipram. The graph depicts the rolipram-sensitive PDE4 activity.
Data represent the means ± S.E. of three experiments. B,
detergent extracts prepared from wild type MEFs treated for 5 min with or
without 10 μm ISO were subjected to immunoprecipitation using
subtype-selective PDE4 or splice form-selective PDE4D antibodies. Shown is the
PDE activity recovered in immunoprecipitates corrected for the amount of
protein used as IP input. All data represent means ± S.E. of the three
experiments performed. The statistical significance of ISO-induced PDE
activation was determined using Student's t test. ***, p
< 0.001; **, p < 0.01; n.s., not significant.