Pavlovian-instrumental transfer following infusion of D2 receptor antagonists into the NAC core. (A) Effect of intra-NAC core infusion of saline (n = 13), 0.5 μg of raclopride (n = 11), and 1.0 μg of raclopride (n = 11) on mean lever presses (±SEM) during presentation of CS+, CSo, and ISI. The CS+ significantly elevated responding relative to CSo and ISI after saline infusion (P < 0.001). After 0.5 μg of raclopride injection responding during CS+ was significantly increased relative to ISI (P < 0.05) but not to CSo. Following infusion of 1.0 μg of raclopride, responding during CS+ was not increased relative to CSo and ISI (P > 0.05, ANOVA followed by a post hoc Tukey HSD test). (#) P < 0.05 CS+ versus CSo; (*) P < 0.05 CS+ versus ISI. (B) Mean lever presses as a function of the temporal order of stimulus presentation during the test session. (*) P < 0.05 CS+ versus preceding ISI (planned contrast analysis). (CS+) Conditioned stimulus; (CSo) neutral stimulus; (ISI) intertrial interval (2 min in duration, respectively).