a | Side view of a songbird (zebra finch) and human brain to represent avian and mammalian species. In this view, the songbird cerebrum covers the thalamus; the human cerebrum covers the thalamus and midbrain. Inset (left) next to the human brain is the zebra finch brain to the same scale. Human brain image reproduced, with permission, courtesy of John W. Sundsten, Digital Anatomist Project. b | Classic view of avian and mammalian brain relationships. Although past authors had different opinions about which brain regions are pallium versus subpallium, we have coloured individual brain regions according to the meaning of the names given to those brain regions. Ac, accumbens; B, nucleus basalis; Cd, caudate nucleus; CDL, dorsal lateral corticoid area; E, ectostriatum; GP, globus pallidus (i, internal segment; e, external segment); HA, hyperstriatum accessorium; HV, hyperstriatum ventrale; IHA, interstitial hyperstriatum accessorium; L2, field L2; LPO, lobus parolfactorius; OB, olfactory bulb; Pt, putamen; TuO, olfactory tubercle. c | Modern consensus view of avian and mammalian brain relationships according to the conclusions of the Avian Brain Nomenclature Forum. Solid white lines are lamina (cell-sparse zones separating brain subdivisions). Large white areas in the human cerebrum are axon pathways called white matter. Dashed grey lines divide regions that differ by cell density or cell size; dashed white lines separate primary sensory neuron populations from adjacent regions. Abbreviations where different from b: E, entopallium; B, basorostralis; HA, hyperpallium apicale; Hp, hippocampus; IHA, interstitial hyperpallium apicale; MV, mesopallium ventrale.