Transgenic flies expressing norpAC1094S display abnormal ERG with slower kinetics. (A) Shown are ERG recordings of norpAp24, transgenic flies expressing wt norpA, and norpAC1094S in norpAp24 or wt genetic background in response to a 2-sec pulse of the orange light. Three independent lines were analyzed, and consistent results were obtained. The kinetics of ERG were examined using the following parameters: latency, defined as time elapsed between stimulation and initiation of ERG (B); initial slope of the response, defined as the rate to reach 50% of the maximal response following the initiation of the response (C); and time to repolarization, time to reach resting potential following the termination of stimulation (D) in wt norpA and norpAC1094S;norpAp24. Both latency (B) and time to repolarization (D) are lengthened, and initial slope (C) is reduced in norpAC1094S;norpAp24 lines.