Table 1.
Shared disease mechanisms in rheumatic diseases and CVD
Mechanism | Pathway in vascular disease | References |
Cytokine-induced macrophage migration and activation | Ox-LDL scavenging and formation of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque | Ross 1999,Hansson 2005,Dixon and Symmons 2007 |
Cytokine-induced upregulation of procoagulant factors | Increased systemic thrombodiatesis | McEntegart et al 2001; Sattar et al 2003 |
Systemic endothelial activation with upregulation of MHC class II molecules | Endothelial dysfunction Increased T-cell migration and activation | Vallbracht et al 2002; Turesson 2004 |
Clonal expansion and activation of abnormal T-cells | Cytotoxicity leading to plaque damage Local cytokine upregulation | Park et al 1997,Liuzzo et al 1999,Michel et al 2007 |
Anti-phospholipid antibodies | Increased arterial and venous thrombodiatesis | Toloza et al 2004 |
Abbreviations: CVD, cardiovascular disease; LDL, low density lipoprotein; MHC, major hisocompatibility complex