Table 1.
Methods for measuring endothelial function
Technique | Method |
Invasive | Intra-arterial ACh or edothelin infusion and strain gauge plethysmography (or high resolution ultrasound) |
Intravascular US studies of epicardial coronary arteries | |
Noninvasive | US FMD of the brachial artery |
Flow-mediated MRI | |
Pulse wave analysis (PWA) applanation tonometry with inhaled salbutamol (B2 agonist for global endothelial NO release) | |
Pulse contour analysis (PCA) digital photoplethysmography with inhaled salbutamol (B2 agonist for global endothelial NO release) | |
Microvascular | Laser Doppler skin flowmetry |
Digital pulse amplitude tonometry (PAT) |
Abbreviations: FMD, flow-mediated dilation; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NO, nitric oxide; US, United States of America.