Figure 4.—
RT–PCR analysis of transposase mRNA expression in flies carrying the CP transgene and the native TP5 or TP6 elements. Replicate samples (1 and 2) with (+) and without (−) reverse transcription (RT) were analyzed by PCR amplification with appropriate primers. (A) Amplification using primers Aub-d and Aub-u to detect aubergine mRNA. (B) Amplification using primers PΔ0/1-d and PΔ2/3-u to detect germ-line P-transposase mRNA from the CP transgene (top) and fully spliced germ-line mRNA from the TP6 element (bottom). (C) Amplification using primers PΔ0/1-d and P2075-u to detect partially spliced mRNA from the CP transgene (top) and the TP6 element (bottom); this mRNA retains the 2/3 intron and is therefore not germ-line specific.