Figure 1.—
Experimental design for the reciprocal introgression of the X chromosome. (A) Three targeted X chromosome congenic genotypes (proximal, center, and distal) for experiment 1 and experiment 2. For each male genotype, the genetic composition of three autosomes, the X chromosome, and the Y chromosome is given. White chromosomes represent domesticusLEWES and black chromosomes represent musculusPWK. For both experiments the mitochondrial DNA derives from musculusPWK. (B) Example of congenic strain construction for introgression of the distal musculusPWK X chromosome over 10 generations of breeding. Expected levels of heterozygosity for each generation are given in parentheses; at the N10 generation the genomic background will be ∼99.8% homozygous for domesticusLEWES alleles.