Effect of TbRGG2 down-regulation on steady state levels of other editing
related proteins. A, PF TbRGG2 RNAi cells were collected prior to
induction and on days 2 and 3 following tetracycline induction and
immunoblotted for the indicated proteins. Hsp70 was used as an indicator for
equal protein loading. All lanes correspond to 1 ×
106 cells, except the editosome components (KREPA1, KREPA2, KREL1,
and KREPA3), for which 1 × 107 cells were analyzed. The
apparent increase in TbRGG1 on day 6 was not reproducible. B,
mitochondrial extracts from TbRGG2 RNAi cells, either uninduced (–) or
induced for 3 days (+), were separated on 10–30% glycerol gradients as
in Fig. 4. The sedimentation
patterns of the 20 S editosome components KREPA1, KREPA2, KREPA3, and KREL1,
as well as the 40 S marker, Tbmp45, were detected by Western blot.