Comparison of responses of Area 21 neuron population to visual and combined visual–auditory stimuli. (A) For the 296 neurons examined, this graph plots the relationship of neuronal responses (mean spikes/trial) to the visual stimulus alone (V; x-axis) to those evoked by the combined auditory and visual stimuli (VA; y-axis). Most responses fell on or near the line of unity, with a similar number either slightly above (48%; 142/296) or below (52%; 154/296), suggesting that the auditory stimuli had no net effect on the population. (B) The bar graph shows the population (n = 296) response average of the mean spikes/trial (±SEM) to the visual alone (V) and to the combined visual–auditory stimulation (VA), which were not significantly different (P = 0.38, paired t-test).