Figure 7.
Four tested geometries for Hperoxo. In the upper left, the structure is similar to Hsuperoxo with a shifted Glu 243 and the peroxide coordinated to iron in a μ-η2, η1 fashion. In the upper right, the peroxide adopts a μ-η2,η2 butterfly arrangement. Both structures have been previously studied at the QM level. In the lower part, structures with peroxide coordinated to iron in a cis-μ-1,2 fashion are presented. On the left, the structure is similar to Hsuperoxo with a shifted Glu 243 (Aμ12Hperoxo), while on the right (Sμ12Hperoxo) it is similar to the μ-η2,η2 butterfly peroxo arrangement with Glu 243 having the same conformation as in the crystal structure of the oxidized form.