Aa and b, injection of 0.15 ng of SSP-SAP into the left RTN (a) produced no effect on NK1R immunoreactivity (b control side; coronal sections at Bregma −11.6 mm). Ba and b, injection of 0.6 ng of SSP-SAP into the left RTN virtually eliminated NK1R immunoreactivity (Ba). The opposite side (Bb) was intact. Ca and b, injection of 0.6 ng of SSP-SAP into the left RTN slightly reduced NK1R immunoreactivity in the Bötzinger region identified by the ellipse (Ca). The opposite side (Cb) was intact. Da and b, injection of 0.6 ng of SSP-SAP into the left RTN had no effect at the level of the pre-Bötzinger complex identified by the ellipse (Da injected side; Db opposite side). E, analysis of the extent of NK1R immunoreactivity in the regions outlined by the dotted lines in Aa–Db. NK1R immunoreactivity on the side with the lesion is expressed as percentage control of the immunoreactivity on the intact side. * Statistical difference from the control side by RM ANOVA. Lin = nucleus linearis.