Figure 3.
pqn/abu Genes Expressed in a CED-1-dependent Manner are Required for C. elegans Immunity
(A) Wild-type animals grown on dsRNA for vector control or dsRNA for abu genes were exposed to live S. enterica: abu-11 RNAi P < 0.0001, abu-8 RNAi P = 0.0032, abu-7 RNAi P < 0.0001, abu-1 RNAi P = 0.0459.
(B) Wild-type animals grown on dsRNA for vector control or dsRNA for pqn genes were exposed to live S. enterica: pqn-54 RNAi P = 0.0056, pqn-5 RNAi P < 0.0001.
(C) Wild-type animals grown on dsRNA for vector control or dsRNA for abu genes were exposed to heat-killed S. enterica: abu-11 RNAi P > 0.1, abu-8 RNAi P > 0.1, abu-7 RNAi P > 0.1, abu-1 RNAi P > 0.1.
(D) Wild-type animals grown on dsRNA for vector control or dsRNA for pqn candidate genes were exposed to heat-killed S. enterica: pqn-54 RNAi P > 0.1, pqn-5 RNAi P > 0.1.
For each condition, 90-140 animals were used. P values are relative to wild-type animals fed dsRNA for vector control.