Figure 1. Western Blot Analysis of Monkeypox IMV and EEV for an EEV-specific Protein.
Gradient purified monkeypox IMV and EEV particles were analyzed for the presence of MPV A35R protein, a homolog of the vaccinia EEV-specific 12 envelope glycoprotein A33R (MPV A35R shares 96.1% identity with VV A33R). Intact MPV particles were denatured in SDS-PAGE loading buffer and run in duplicate on 10% polyacrylamide gels. One of the gels was silver stained (left), and the replicate gel underwent Western blot analysis using a polyclonal antibody that recognizes VV A33R (right). MPV A35R is predicted to encode a 20 kDa protein, but was detected as a diffuse band at ∼45 kDa possibly because it is a glycoprotein or because it comigrated with other viral proteins 54. The numbers (left) indicate molecular masses in kDa.