Monkeypox and vaccinia IMV particles were purified from host-cell lysates and EEV particles from the corresponding culture media. Each sample was digested with trypsin and analyzed by LC-MS in triplicate (or more), and the resulting data were analyzed using hierarchical cluster analyses. Columns correspond to individual LC-MS analyses, rows correspond to individual proteins, protein abundances are indicated by the grayscale bar (bottom), and missing protein abundance values are colored white. Data from the two “Prelim.” (i.e., “preliminary”) MPV preparations were not representative of the subsequent results, but were included in the figure for completeness (these initial preparations were probably not purified as successfully as the subsequent ones). The monkeypox EEV ETP (i.e., “early time point”) sample was prepared from the culture medium of MPV-infected cells recovered 10 h post-infection (i.e., prior to significant EEV production), and was processed using the EEV sample preparation protocol to serve as a negative control.