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. 2007 Jan 1;149(1):1–95. doi: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2006.00293.x

Table 3.

Alternative topological inferences and minimal differences in tree length (additional steps) relative to placements in MPTs (Figs 1117), conditional on other topological alterations being prohibited (optimizations of characters thereon permitted). Higher-order taxa correspond to classification proposed in Appendix 1

Taxon Alternative hypothesis* Δ length References
Palaeognathae ∪ Galloanseromorphae  54 Sibley & Ahlquist (1990)
Ratitae (global) Δ topology  31 Cracraft (1974a)
Ratitae (local) Δ topology  63 Cracraft (1974a)
Δ topology  17 Cooper et al. (2001)
Δ topology  13 Haddrath & Baker (2001)
Galloanserimorphae Polyphyly§ [19] Bourdon et al. (2005)
Galliformes Polyphyly  90 Dyke et al. (2003)
Megapodiidae ∪ Cracidae  10 Dyke et al. (2003)
Meleagrididae ∪ Phasianidae  20 Dyke et al. (2003)
Anseriformes Δ familial topology  54 Olson & Feduccia (1980a); Livezey (1997a)
Anhimae ∪∨⊂ Galliformes  41 Olson & Feduccia (1980a); Livezey (1997a)
Gaviomorphae ∪ Charadriomorphae  72 Storer (1956); Olson (1985)
Podicipediformes ∪ Phoenicopteridae 146 Mayr & Clarke (2003); Mayr (2004a)
∪ Charadriomorphae  54 Storer (1956)
∪ Eurypygidae 182 Zusi & Storer (1969)
∪ Ralliformes 159 Olson (1985); Houde (1994)
Pelecaniformes Δ topology 344 Kennedy & Spencer (2004: fig. 1B)
Sulae Δ topology 125 Kennedy et al. (2005: fig. 8)
Balaenicepitidae ¬∪ Pelecaniformes  30 Cracraft (1985); Mayr (2003a)
Scopidae ∪∨⊂ Pelecaniformes  23 Mayr (2003a)
Threskiornithidae ∪∨⊂ Charadriiformes 174 Olson (1978)
Ardeidae ⊂ (Turnices ∪ Eurypygae)  75 Olson (1978)
Phoenicopteridae ∪ Anseriformes 107 Feduccia (1976, 1977b); Hagey et al. (1990)
∪ Cladorhynchini 154 Olson & Feduccia (1980b)
Gruiformes (traditional) Monophyly  11 Livezey (1998b)
Charadriiformes Δ topology  60 Strauch (1978) fideChu (1995: fig. 1)
Δ topology 106 Sibley & Ahlquist (1990) fidePaton et al. (2003)
Δ topology  82 Chu (1995: fig. 8), excluding Ibidorhyncha
Mesitornithidae ∪ Cuculiformes 107 Mayr & Ericson (2004)
Strigiformes ∪ Caprimulgiformes  43 Hoff (1966)
Cathartidae ∪∨⊂ Ciconiiformes 112 Ligon (1967); Rea (1983); Avise et al. (1994a)
Opisthocomidae ∪∨⊂ Galliformes 120 Hudson et al. (1959); Hudson & Lanzillotti (1964)
∪ Cuculiformes**  22 Avise et al. (1994b); Hughes & Baker (1999)
Caprimulgiformes Polyphyly  31 Mayr (2002a, b)
∪ Cypselomorphae  42 Mayr (2002a, 2003c, 2004d, 2005f, g)
Aegothelidae ∪ Apodiformes  31 Mayr (2002a, 2003c, 2004d, 2005f, g)
Steatornithidae ∪ Trogoniformes 102 Mayr (2003b)
Hemiprocnidae ∪ Apodidae, monophyly   5 Sibley & Ahlquist (1990: fig. 361)
Apodidae ∪ Passeri (Hirundinidae) 193 Shufeldt (1889b); Van Tuinen (2002)
Galbulae ∪∨⊂ Coraciiformes  20 Olson (1983a)
Coraciiformes Δ topology, ∈ Trogoniformes 199 Lowe (1946); Maurer & Raikow (1981)
Coracii Δ topology  64 Cracraft (1971b)
Menura ∪∨⊂ Passeri  11 Irestedt et al. (2001); Barker et al. (2002)

Set-symbolism coopted for concise statement of phylogenetic hypotheses, as follows: ∪, sister-group (disjoint) union; ⊂, included as subclade; ∈, included as a member taxon; ∨, or; Δ, change in; ¬, not (negation of predicate argument).

Local optima for Aepyornithiformes and Dinornithiformes (as bi-ordinal sister-group to ratites exclusive of Apterygiformes) and global optima (former as sister-group to Struthionidae and Rheidae, latter as sister-group to ratites exclusive of Apterygiformes).

Comparisons excluded effects due to differences in outgroup taxa, as well as tentatively placed Aepyornithiformes.


Doubtful comparability given differences in taxonomic samples between studies.

Corresponds to that proposed by Livezey (1998b), exclusive of Pedionomidae and fossil gruiforms (Cracraft 1969, 1971a, 1973a).


Alternative hypothesis compared sister-grouping with Cuculiformes exclusive of Musophagidae.