Figure 5.
Immunofluorescence analysis of the redistribution of eps15 during EGFR endocytosis in NIH-EGFR cells treated with nocodazole. Double staining of eps15 (left panels) and of EGFR (right panels) on NIH-EGFR cells treated with EGF and anti-EGFR mAb for 1 h at 4°C and then warmed for 30 min at 37°C, in the absence (a and b) or presence (c and d) of nocodazole. Treatment with EGF at 4°C followed by incubation for 30 min at 37°C induces concentration of the eps15 and EGFR signals in the perinuclear area (a and b, respectively). Treatment with nocodazole blocks the redistribution of both eps15 and EGFR toward the central portion of the cell, keeping the signals at the cell periphery (c and d). Bar, 5 μm.