Text Box 2.
Out of Class Assignments Completed Before Each Didactic Session
Color, light, shadows | Carefully observe and document characteristics related to color in up to five strangers, including such features as: skin, hair, iris, sclera, conjunctiva, evidence of jaundice/pallor/cyanosis/lesions |
Contour | Please pick five advertisements, which use people to sell a product, from a magazine of your choice. While analyzing each image, first make a quick sketch of it in your journal. Go on to describe the role of color, contour, and shading in each picture, and how it affects the way you look at it. Please include how these elements influence your eye movement while observing the image |
Form | Carefully observe three people, whom you see regularly, and document in your journal any new observations that you previously had not noticed. Please pay attention to form, including posture, shape, and body proportions, in your general assessment. |
Texture and pattern | Carefully observe and document dermatologic findings in up to five strangers, including such features as: (1) skin color, and variations, (2) common skin lesions (patterns, colors, texture, size), and (3) uncommon skin lesions—blisters, vesicles, facial deformities, port-wine spots, angiomas (patterns, colors, texture, size) |
Line and symmetry | Carefully observe and document characteristics related to line and symmetry in up to three people |
Balance | Please complete the other half of the portrait |