WRKY-Silenced Plants Have Impaired Direct and Indirect Defenses and Are Highly Susceptible to N. attenuata's Native Herbivore Community When Transplanted into Their Native Habitat.
(A) Mean (±se) percentage canopy area damaged by grasshoppers (Trimerotropis ssp) observed on pairs of wild-type plants (white) paired with ir-wrky3, ir-wrky6, or ir-wrky3/6 (black) plants. Mean (±se) canopy damage caused by mirids (T. notatus). Mean (±se) percentage of M. sexta eggs predated per wild-type plant (solid line), ir-wrky3 (dashed line), ir-wrky6 (dotted line), or ir-wrky3/6 (dashed/dotted line) plants grown in Utah. Predation rates were monitored before and after elicitation with OS. Five eggs were glued on the second stem leaf of each plant (inset), and predation rates from G. pallens were monitored for 24 h before and for 36 h after OS elicitation.
(B) Mean (±se) of TPI activity levels in leaves from wild-type plants (black) or from lines silenced in WRKY3 (dark gray), WRKY6 (light gray), or both (open) 3 d after plants growing in the field were elicited with OS (n = 6). Different letters reflect significant differences at P < 0.05 from wild-type plants that were treated similarly. Mean (±se) DTG levels. Mean (±se) emissions of cis-α-bergamotene 24 h after OS elicitation trapped over an 8-h period. Mean (±se) emission of cis-3-hexenol. C6-compounds were trapped over an 8-h period from plants treated with wounding and OS.