Figure 3.
Effects of the selective CB1 receptor agonist ACEA and the CB2 receptor agonist JWH-015 on rMCP-5 transcription and expression. (a) Representative Vistra green-stained agarose gel of RT-PCR products corresponding to rMCP-5 mRNA in sponges injected with saline solution (SAL) or with λ-carrageenin (CAR) or λ-carrageenin in the presence of ACEA (50 μg) or JWH-0.15 (50 μg). β-actin, a housekeeping gene, was used as a control. The gel shown corresponds to the products from 35 cycles of amplification for rMCP-5 and 15 cycles for β-actin. (b) Summary of values from three independent experiments expressed as percent, after normalization to β-actin mRNA level. Results are expressed as mean±s.e.m. of three separate experiments. *P<0.05, ***P<0.001 vs saline.; °°°P<0.001 vs λ-carrageenin alone.