Figure 4.
Impairment of late phase inflammatory responses in Kitw/Kitw-v mice and subsequent response recovery in Kitw/Kitw-v mouse recipients of conjunctival mast cells. A: Kitw/Kitw-v mice, subconjunctivally injected with wild type conjunctival mast cells, were challenged with an allergen, and the conjunctiva were processed for Giemsa staining after 24 h. The left image shows conjunctiva of mock-sensitized Kitw/Kitw-v adoptive transfer mice. The right image shows conjunctiva of allergen-sensitized Kitw/Kitw-v adoptive transfer mice. Each asterisk in the images denotes the presence of eosinophils, and an arrow indicates transferred mast cells. B: Recovery of defective eosinophil recruitment in Kitw/Kitw-v mice by subconjunctival adoptive transfer of conjunctival mast cells from wild type mice is shown in the chart. The sharp (hash mark) means that p<0.05. RW: sensitized with ragweed pollen; PBS: mock sensitized; n=10 mice/group.