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. 2008 Sep;98(Suppl 1):S38–S47. doi: 10.2105/ajph.98.supplement_1.s38


Age-Adjusted Mortality Rate (per 100 000) for Non-Hispanic Whites and Minority–White Ratios for Selected Causes of Death: Women in the United States, 1996–1998

Cause White Rate Black-White Ratio AmI-White Ratio API-White Ratio Hispanic-White Ratio
Heart disease 91.3 1.63 0.80 0.54 0.70
Cancer 108.0 1.21 0.70 0.58 0.60
Homicide 2.2 4.27 2.23 0.95 1.54
HIV/AIDS 0.8 18.75 1.38 0.38 5.00
Suicide 4.7 0.40 1.13 0.70 0.40
Pulmonary disease 19.2 0.68 0.62 0.27 0.35

Note. AmI=American Indian/Alaska Native; API=Asian/Pacific Islander.

Source. National Center for Health Statistics.3