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. 2008 Aug 21;337:a1190. doi: 10.1136/bmj.a1190

Table 2.

 Prevalence of symptoms related to menopause. Figures are numbers (percentages) of women

Symptom Baseline One year Adjusted† difference at one year (95% CI) P value§
Combined HRT (n=1041*) Placebo (n=1085*) Combined HRT (n=1043*) Placebo (n=1087*)
Hot flushes 317 (30) 311 (29) 98 (9) 269 (25) −15 (−18 to −12) <0.001‡
Night sweats 283 (27) 281 (26) 145 (14) 252 (23) −9 (−13 to −6) <0.001‡
Insomnia 471 (45) 472 (44) 367 (35) 450 (41) −6 (−10 to −2) <0.001‡
Feeling depressed 195 (19) 207 (19) 234 (22) 256 (24) −1 (−5 to 2) 0.6
Feeling anxious 293 (28) 284 (26) 300 (29) 313 (29) 0 (−4 to 4) 0.7
Dizziness 117 (11) 137 (13) 133 (13) 143 (13) 0 (−3 to 2) 1
Aching joints or muscles 659 (63) 680 (63) 592 (57) 688 (63) −7 (−11 to −2) <0.001‡
Tiredness 523 (50) 516 (48) 556 (53) 554 (51) 2 (−2 to 7) 0.5
Headache 264 (25) 288 (27) 268 (26) 273 (25) 1 (−3 to 4) 0.6
Migraine 44 (4) 56 (5) 51 (5) 60 (6) −1 (−3 to 1) 0.8
Irritability/mood swings 181 (17) 183 (17) 186 (18) 220 (20) −2 (−6 to 1) 0.1
Heart racing or skipping beats 114 (11) 112 (10) 149 (14) 128 (12) 2 (0 to 5) 0.1
Dry skin or scaling 319 (31) 332 (31) 304 (29) 326 (30) −1 (−5 to 3) 0.6
Vaginal or genital dryness 249 (24) 244 (22) 150 (14) 211 (19) −5 (−8 to −2) <0.001‡
Vaginal or genital itching 115 (11) 101 (9) 121 (12) 118 (11) 1 (−2 to 3) 0.9
Vaginal or genital discharge 58 (6) 48 (4) 151 (14) 55 (5) 9 (7 to 12) <0.001‡
Pain or burning while urinating 31 (3) 31 (3) 36 (3) 39 (4) 0 (−2 to 1) 0.8
Breast tenderness 65 (6) 69 (6) 164 (16) 76 (7) 9 (6 to 11) <0.001‡
Leg cramps in one leg 96 (9) 108 (10) 122 (12) 113 (10) 1 (−1 to 4) 0.3
Leg cramps in both legs 169 (16) 167 (15) 227 (22) 205 (19) 3 (−1 to 6) 0.1
Swelling in one leg 45 (4) 35 (3) 44 (4) 31 (3) 1 (0 to 3) 0.2
Swelling in both legs 96 (9) 80 (7) 82 (8) 98 (9) −1 (−4 to 1) 0.07
Nausea 85 (8) 87 (8) 84 (8) 91 (8) 0 (−3 to 2) 0.8
Abdominal cramps 70 (7) 76 (7) 81 (8) 95 (9) −1 (−3 to 1) 0.4
Bloating 235 (23) 217 (20) 215 (21) 260 (24) −3 (−7 to 0) 0.005
Skin rash/itching 185 (18) 166 (15) 187 (18) 177 (16) 2 (−2 to 5) 0.6
Crawling feelings under skin 83 (8) 81 (7) 77 (7) 76 (7) 0 (−2 to 3) 0.8
Trouble seeing not corrected by glasses/contact lenses 46 (4) 54 (5) 51 (5) 64 (6) −1 (−3 to 1) 0.4

*No of women with available data.

†Adjusted for baseline presence of symptom.

‡Significant at Bonferroni corrected α level of 0.001; actual unadjusted P values presented.