Figure 1.
Isolation of drICE17 as strong suppressor of GMR-hid. (a) Wild-type eye. (b) GMR-hid-induced eye-ablation phenotype. (c) Suppression of GMR-hid in ey-Flp-induced drICE17 clones. Exact genotype: GheF; FRT82B drICE17/FRT82B P[w+]. (d) Suppression of GMR-hid in homozygous drICE17 background. Exact genotype: GMR-hid drICE17/drICE17. (e) Suppression of GMR-hid in trans-heterozygous drICE17 over Df(3R)drICE mutant background. Exact genotype: GMR-hid drICE17/Df(3R)drICE.(f) Transgenic rescue of the GMR-hid-induced eye-ablation phenotype in drICE17 mutant background by a GMR-drICE transgene. Exact genotype: GMR-hid drICE17/GMR-drICE drICE17. (g) GMR-drICE does not cause an eye-ablation phenotype on its own. (h) Eye-ablation phenotype caused by GMR-reaper. Exact genotype: CyO, 2x GMR-reaper/ + . (i) Weak suppression of GMR-reaper by drICE17. Exact genotype: CyO, 2x GMR-reaper; drICE17/drICE17