Table 1.
Ionic current parameters
Parameter | Description | Value | Reference |
ISERCA,max | Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) maximum current | 200/100 pA | See text |
Kmf | Ca2+-ATPase constant for cytosolic or microdomain Ca2+ | 310 nM† | 14 |
Kmr | Ca2+-ATPase constant for SR Ca2+ | 1.7 mM | 41 |
nH | SR Ca2+-ATPase Hill coefficient | 2† | 37 |
νRyR | Ryanodine receptor (RyR) Ca2+ conductivity | 12 s−1† | This study |
Ka | RyR constant | 0.3722 μM* | 47 |
Kb | RyR constant | 0.6360 μM* | 47 |
Kc | RyR constant | 0.0571 μM* | 47 |
Kc− | RyR constant | 0.1 s−1* | 47 |
νIP3R | IP3R Ca2+ conductivity | 10 s−1† | This study |
νip3 | Rate constant for IP3 production | 1.85 s−1 | 12 |
[IP3ref] | Reference IP3 concentration | 240 nM | 11 |
α4 | Feedback constant for Ca2+ stimulation of IP3 production | 0.5 | 12 |
k4 | Dissociation constant for Ca2+ stimulation of IP3 production | 1.1 μM | 11 |
Ir | Rate constant for IP3 consumption | 1 s−1 | 11 |
d1 | IP3 receptor dissociation constant | 0.13 μM | 11 |
a4 | IP3 receptor binding constant | 0.2 μM−1·s−1 | 11 |
d4 | IP3 receptor dissociation constant | 144.5 nM | 11 |
a5 | IP3 receptor binding constant | 20 μM−1·s−1 | 11 |
d5 | IP3 receptor dissociation constant | 82.34 nM | 11 |
GCaSOC,max | Maximum Ca2+ SOC current conductance | 87 pS† | This study¶ |
KSOC | ISOC SR Ca2+ constant | 100 μM | 12 |
ΔCT | Chloride cotransport parameter | 87.8251 mV* | 22 |
JNaCl,max | Maximum flux though Na+-Cl− cotransporter | 6.0 × 10−17 mol/s* | This study¶ |
JKCl,max | Maximum flux though K+-Cl− cotransporter | 3.5 × 10−18 mol/s* | 22 |
JNKCC,max | Maximum flux though Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter (NKCC) | 6.0 × 10−17 mol/s* | This study¶ |
KNaNKCC | Na+ half-saturation constant for NKCC | 46 mM* | 43 |
KKNKCC | K+ half-saturation constant for NKCC | 4 mM* | 43 |
KCl,1NKCC | Cl− first half-saturation constant for NKCC | 78 mM* | 43 |
KCl,2NKCC | Cl− second half-saturation constant for NKCC | 78 mM* | 43 |
kon | Ca-Cl channel on-rate | 3 μM−1·s−1* | 24 |
koff | Ca-Cl channel off-rate | 50 s−1* | 24 |
α1 | Ca-Cl kinetic constant | 10 s−1* | 24 |
α2 | Ca-Cl kinetic constant | 30 s−1* | 24 |
α3 | Ca-Cl kinetic constant | 300 s−1* | 24 |
β1, β2, β3 | Ca-Cl kinetic constants | 224 exp(−3.8 − 0.01Vmj) s−1* | 24 |
GClCa,max | Ca-Cl channel maximum conductance | 12 nS* | 34 |
GK,b | K+ background current conductance | 0.010 nS | 51 |
GNa,b | Na+ background current conductance | 0.010 nS | 51 |
GCa,b | Ca+ background current conductance | 0.012 nS | 51 |
GCl,b | Cl− background current conductance | 0.010 nS* | This study |
GKir,max | Inward rectifier conductance | 0.3 nS† | 8 |
[K]ref | Reference K+ concentration | 5.4 mM | 51 |
GKv,max | Maximum IK,v conductance | 9.8325 nS | 51 |
GKATP,maxPATP | Maximum IK,ATP conductance at resting ATP concentration | 1.036 nS | 9 |
nATP | IK,ATP constant | 0.463 | 9 |
GKCa,max | Maximum IK,Ca conductance | 0.5 nS | 51 |
τPF | Fast time constant for IK,Ca | 0.5 ms | 51 |
τPS | Slow time constant for IK,Ca | 11.5 ms | 51 |
INaK,α1,max | Maximum Na+/K+-ATPase α1-isoform current | 1.95 μA/μF† | This study¶ |
INaK,α2,max | Maximum Na+/K+-ATPase α2-isoform current | 0.30 mA/μF† | This study¶ |
Km,K | K+ half-saturation constant for Na+-K+-ATPase (both isoforms) | 1.5 mM | 12 |
Km,Na,α1 | Na+ half-saturation constant for Na+-K+-ATPase α1-isoform | 12 mM | 12 |
Km,Na,α2 | Na+ half-saturation constant for Na+-K+-ATPase α2-isoform | 22 mM | 12 |
INaCa,max | Maximum Na+/Ca2+ exchange current | 14.13 μA/μF† | 41 |
KmCai | Internal Ca2+ half-saturation constant for Na+/Ca2+ exchange | 3.59 μM | 41 |
KmCao | External Ca2+ half-saturation constant for Na+/Ca2+ exchange | 1.3 mM | 41 |
KmNai | Internal Na+ half-saturation constant for Na+/Ca2+ exchange | 12.29 mM | 41 |
KmNao | External Na+ half-saturation constant for Na+/Ca2+ exchange | 87.5 mM | 41 |
ksat | Na+/Ca2+ exchange saturation factor at negative potentials | 0.27 | 41 |
γ | Constant for voltage dependence of Na+/Ca2+ exchange | 0.35 | 41 |
KmCa,act | Constant for Na+/Ca2+ exchange | 0.125 μM† | 22 |
GVONa,max | Maximum IVONa conductance | 2.86 nS | 54 |
τm | IVONa activation time constant | 0.1 mS | 54 |
τh | IVONa inactivation time constant | 1 mS | 54 |
ICa,P,max | Maximum sarcolemmal Ca2+ pump current | 1 μA/μF† | This study¶ |
Km,Ca,P | Half-saturation constant for sarcolemmal Ca2+ pump | 0.17 μM† | 15 |
GCaL,max | Maximum ICa,L conductance | 1.4151 nS | 51 |
[CM]tot | Total concentration of calmodulin binding sites available for Ca2+ binding in cytosol or microdomains | 0.1 mM† | 51 |
kCMon | Ca2+ on-rate for calmodulin | 34 μM−1·s−1 | 41 |
kCMoff | Ca2+ off-rate for calmodulin | 8.84 s−1† | Based on calmodulin dissociation constant (51) |
[Bf]tot | Total concentration of other Ca2+-binding proteins in cytosol or microdomains | 0.4 mM† | 51 |
kBfon | Ca2+ on-rate for other binding proteins | 100 μM−1·s−1 | 41 |
kBfoff | Ca2+ off-rate for other binding proteins | 300 s−1† | Based on caltropin dissociation constant (29) |
[Calseq]SRtot | Total concentration of calsequestrin sites available for Ca2+ binding in SR | 140 μM | 41 |
kCalseqon | Ca2+ on-rate for calsequestrin | 100 μM−1·s−1 | 41 |
kCalseqoff | Ca2+ off-rate for calsequestrin | 80,000 s−1† | Based on calsequestrin dissociation constant (48) |
Unless otherwise indicated, parameter values are identical to those of the original model (12). SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum; VONa, voltage-activated sodium.
Parameters were chosen so as to yield resting concentrations compatible with experimental observations.
New parameter;
revised parameter value.