IPC synthesis in mcd4–174. Wild-type (WT;
GY1446), sec18–1 (SEY5188), and
mcd4–174 (GY1450) cells were incubated in
inositol-free medium at 38°C for 15 min, labeled with
myo-[2-[3H]]inositol for 20 min, and chased
with cold myo-inositol for 60 min. Lipids were extracted and
∼0.5 OD-eq per sample were resolved by TLC using solvent 1. The
positions of PI, IPCs, MIPC, lyso-PI
(lyso-phosphatidylinositol), M(IP)2C, and the
origin are shown to the right. ** Denotes a lipid that accumulates in
mcd4–174 but not wild-type or sec18–1
cells, and the IPCs; * Indicates that IPCs may mask another lipid
species accumulating in mcd4–174.