Correlation between the levels of IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies to T. gondii as determined by indirect ELISA using STAg and reverse ELISA using anti-SRS (A, D, G), anti-SAG2A (B, E, H), and anti-p97 (C, F, I) MAbs in human sera. A total of 140 serum samples (groups I, II, and III) were analyzed for IgG, 85 serum samples (groups I and II) for IgM, and 35 serum samples (group I) for IgA. The correlation coefficients (rs) were calculated by the Spearman correlation test. The dashed lines indicate the cutoff values (EI > 1.2) for each assay. The percentages of double-positive, double-negative, and single-positive samples for each antibody isotype are indicated on the corresponding corners.