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. 2008 Jun 20;190(17):5890–5897. doi: 10.1128/JB.00459-08


SELEX search for NemR-binding sitesa

Left gene(s) (direction) SELEX fragment (size; coding frame) Right gene(s) (direction) No. of fragments
ydhF-ydhL (←) S (184-316 bp) nemR-nemA-gloA (→) 69
sapF-sapD-sapC-sapB (←) S (200-257 bp; sapA) ymjA (←) 14
leuE (←) S (233-238 bp; yeaT) yeaU (→) 5
hslO (→) S (184 bp; yhgE) pck (→) 3

The genomic SELEX search for NemR-binding sequences was performed using purified His-tagged NemR alone in the absence of effectors. A total of 91 DNA fragments were isolated, of which 69 fragments contained sequences within spacer regions between ydhL and nemR coding frames. Three other kinds of SELEX fragments were located on sapA, yeaT, and yhgE coding frames. The arrows indicate the direction of transcription of the neighboring genes, and the genes shown in bold represent possible target genes under the control of NemR.