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. 2008 Jun 11;82(16):7897–7904. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00099-08


Primers used in this study

Primer Sequence Amplification purpose
Sf29del.1 5′-TGATTTATTTATATTTTATTTACCCGGGTGGACAGCAAGCGAACCGGAATTGC-3′ Sf29 deletion from SfMNPV bacmid; forward primer with 25-nt homolog to Tn5-neo sequence (underlined) and 25-nt homolog to 3′ untranslated Sf29 region
Sf29del.2 5′-GTATTCATAACGCACCAACCCGGGTCAGAAGAACTCGTCAAGAAGGCG-3′ Sf29 deletion from SfMNPV bacmid; reverse primer with 25-nt homolog to Tn5-neo sequence (underlined) and 25-nt homolog to 5′ untranslated Sf29 region
Sf29del.3 5′-AACTTTTAGGAAAATTATACACAATCAA TGATTTATTTATATTTTATTTACCC-3′ Sf29 deletion from SfMNPV bacmid; forward primer with 25-nt homolog to Sf29del.1 (underlined) and 25-nt homolog to 3′ untranslated Sf29 region
Sf29del.4 5′-ATAAAATACTGCATCGTCGATGATTTTTATGTATTCATAACGCACCAACCC-3′ Sf29 deletion from SfMNPV bacmid; reverse primer with 25-nt homolog to Sf29del.2 (underlined) and 25-nt homolog to 5′ untranslated Sf29 region
Sf29reg.1 5′-ATCTCAGACCATCTTGCCAA-3′ Sf29 insertion into Sf29null bacmid; forward primer that amplifies 250 bp upstream of the Sf29 stop codon
Sf29reg.2 5′-GTATAGCGTCGACGACATCG-3′ Sf29 insertion into Sf29null bacmid; reverse primer that amplifies 250 bp downstream of the Sf29 start codon
Sf29.1 5′-CTACTCAACGCGTTCAACGA-3′ Sf29 transcription analysis (RT-PCR); forward primer that amplifies 250 bp downstream of the Sf29 stop codon
Sf29.2 5′-TTAGTCAAATAACGGCAATG-3′ Sf29 transcription analysis (RT-PCR); reverse primer that amplifies in the Sf29 stop codon
Sfpolh.1 5′-CCCGACACCATGAAGCTGGT-3′ Sfpolh transcription analysis (RT-PCR); forward primer that amplifies 500 bp upstream of the Sfpolh stop codon
Sfpolh.2 5′-TTAGTACGCGGGTCCGTTGTA-3′ Sfpolh transcription analysis (RT-PCR); reverse primer that amplifies in the Sfpolh stop codon