Figure 4.
Ultrastructural changes in zona pellcuida (ZP) of CP2/CP3-immunized mice. A to C, EM micrographs of ZP of antral follicles from a normal (A), CP2-immunized (B), or CP2/CP3-immunized mouse (C) show more homogeneous distribution of ZP filaments in CP2/CP3-immunized mice. D and E, EM micrographs at a higher magnification show significantly fewer transzonal processes (arrowheads) in a CP2/CP3-immunized mouse (E) than in a normal mouse (D). F. EM micrograph at a high magnification shows detached ZP filaments (arrowed) from ZP layer in an antral follicle of CP2/CP3-immunized mouse. G. EM micrograph of an ovulated egg from a CP2/CP3-immunized mouse shows detachment of ZP filaments from ZP (arrows). gc, granulosa cells.