Figure 2.
Immunofluorescence of Sf9 cells transfected with different tau constructs. Cells were transfected with htau23 (A), KXGA/R1 (B), or KXGA/R1/3/4 (C) and immunostained 60 h after infection with antibodies DM1A (for tubulin, left) and K9JA (for tau, right). Transfection with htau23 (A) leads to many processes; when Ser262 is mutated to Ala (B), one still finds processes similar to tau23, but when all three KXGS motifs are changed into KXGA (C), the formation of processes is almost completely inhibited. Note that in the case of tau staining the cell bodies appear overexposed to image the more weakly stained processes. Bar, 50 μm.