The influence of AlF4− on the distribution of mannosidase II and β-COP in the presence of CBM. AlF4− was prepared by adding 30 mM NaF to medium (pH 8.8) followed by the addition of 100 μM AlCl3. Top, cells were treated with medium containing AlF4− for 15 min, and brefeldin A (BFA, 1 μg/ml) was added for 15 min in the presence of AlF4−. Middle, cells were treated with brefeldin A (1 μg/ml) for 15 min, and AlF4− was added for 15 min in the presence of brefeldin A. Bottom, cells were incubated with CBM (2 mM) for 45 min, and AlF4− was added for 45 min in the presence of CBM. Samples were prepared for immunofluorescence microscopy with antibodies to mannosidase II (left) and β-COP (right) as described in Figure 4.