Figure 6. Direct suppressive effects of hESC-derived NPs on lymph node cells (LNCs) and T cells derived from naïve C57BL mice.
LNCs derived from naïve mice were co-cultured with NPs and activated with ConA. The NPs suppressed 3H-thymidine incorporation into the activated LNCs in a dose-dependent manner (A). FACS analysis of interleukin-2 receptor α (IL-2Rα; CD25) expression after 24 hours of ConA-stimulation showed that human NPs inhibited the activation of Thy1.2+ T cells as determined by the fraction of labeled cells and by mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) (B). FACS analysis of CFSE labeled LNCs after 72 hours of ConA stimulation showed that co-culturing with the human NPs inhibited the proliferation of Thy1.2+ T cells. The fraction of T cells that have proliferated and therefore diluted the CFSE fluorescence (within the rectangle) was reduced in the presence of the human NPs (C).